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FY24Q4  Shift and Cognizant  LP  ITC (1)

AI-Driven Detection and Strategic Operations Drive Unparalleled Efficiency

Subrogation management is a key component of an effective claim management process.
Experience shows that focusing advanced technologies and efficient processes on subrogation management results in quantifiable business impact - notably, the combined ratio. Given the pressure on combined ratios, insurers should take a strategic approach to maximize recoveries using advanced AI detection techniques and strategic operations execution.

Shift Technology’s Subrogation Detection and Cognizant’s Business Process Services increase subrogation recoveries.

You'll find below some content on what AI Recovery Detection brings to Insurance Companies.

Video: Maximize Subrogation Recoveries

Identifying subrogation opportunities is a tedious, manual process that requires tenured claims professionals. Shift Subrogation Detection uses AI to quickly and accurately identify recovery opportunities, synthesize details of the incident including what happened and who was involved to assess parties at fault.

See how.

Explainer Video Shift Subrogation & Cognizant

Data Sheet: Shift Subrogation Detection

In their effort to deliver exceptional customer experiences, insurers
aim to settle claims as quickly, accurately, and fairly as possible.
But what happens when a third-party is responsible for all, or part
of, the payment of a claim?

Shift Subrogation Detection uses AI to quickly and accurately
discover opportunities to recover costs from third parties.


Video: The Power of GenAI in Action

In the world of insurance, uncovering subrogation opportunities can be like finding a needle in a haystack. However, with the help of Generative AI, these hidden gems are becoming more accessible than ever before.

Take, for example, a recent case where a convoluted claim note was the key to unlocking a significant subrogation opportunity. 

Data Scientist Sharing Subrogation Case with GenAI

Business Impact of a Comprehensive Subrogation Solution

Shift’s Subrogation Detection combined with Cognizant’s Strategic Operations Transformation accelerates and maximizes recovery outcomes. A packaged solution propels recovery outcomes to surpass the industry median rate of 3.44%, targeting a progressive ascent towards the best-in-class rate of 8%, with a cost of recovery approaching 40% of traditional models.

Request your demo now!