
Inside Decisions Made Better: What Does It Mean for Insurers to Make Good Decisions?

Written by Shift Technology | Sep 1, 2022 12:11:00 PM

Each insurer and every insurance line of business faces unique challenges and opportunities, so it’s easy to understand why the mechanics of a good decision differ across organizations. Even if the goal of making good decisions is to arrive at a similar outcome, such as reduced costs and greater customer satisfaction, different insurers will arrive at these outcomes in different ways.

We recently interviewed Shift’s team of subject matter experts and customer success specialists who are insurance veterans with years of industry experience. A diverse group, with perspectives from dozens of different companies, they have first-hand experience with the challenges to better decision-making facing insurance as a whole.

Our experts were asked to share their ideas on what it means for insurers to make good decisions, and how Shift Technology can enable these decisions using insurance-trained artificial intelligence and machine learning. In this behind the scenes summary, see how the types of decisions that investigators, underwriters, and can be made better with the help of AI.

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