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Lift the Innovation Lockdown for the Ultimate Claims Customer Experience

Webinar - October 29th - 11:00 AM EST

Throughout 2020 insurance companies around the world have implemented aggressive and innovative transformation strategies to address the rapidly changing needs of their policyholders. But one question remains; which of these strategies will result in resounding success, and which will be disappointing?

Join Shift Technology, Aon, Chubb, and The Hanover in an exclusive panel discussion, as they share their insights into how to unleash your organization's innovation potential through strategies and proper technologies.

During this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to innovate with purpose and build a strategy that ensures every action leads to a successful delivery
  • How to lead the charge in change
  • How AI and automation can give your claims and frauds team the correct tools to give back to their customers



  • Marcel Gordon, VP Product, Shift Technology
  • Daniel Peregrina, VP Claims, Chubb
  • Doug Kratzer VP claims, The Hanover
  • Neil Harrison, Global Chief Claims Officer, Aon


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