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Romain Haimez is a Talent Acquisition Specialist here at Shift Technology.

In this installment of the “Four Questions with” series we talk with Romain about his career path, the initiation of Shift’s Tech Connect events in our Paris office, and key takeaways from past Tech Connect events.

Shift Technology: Tell us a bit about your career background and what brought you to Shift? 

Romain Haimez: Prior to my journey with Shift, I dedicated almost a decade to external recruitment, navigating the landscapes of both global agencies and boutique firms across Luxembourg and Hong Kong. Hong Kong, where I spent seven years, holds a special place in my heart as it's where I began my family journey. Throughout my tenure as a consultant, I immersed myself in various facets of the recruitment process, from business development to candidate sourcing, with a particular focus on the dynamic realms of tech and data science.

Over time, I felt a compelling urge to transition from the whirlwind of business development to a role centered on stakeholder management. This shift stemmed from a desire to witness firsthand the tangible impact of my efforts. With a wealth of experience amassed from collaborating with numerous tech-focused companies, I felt equipped to embark on this new professional voyage.

When exploring opportunities, I set my sights on tech companies and unicorns, seeking not only a professional fit but also a cultural resonance. Despite considering various options, what truly drew me to Shift was the dynamic and inclusive culture I encountered during the interview process. The genuine connections formed and the shared ethos of fostering open communication resonated deeply with me.

Joining Shift two and a half years ago marked a significant milestone in my career trajectory. It offered the perfect intersection of my expertise in tech recruitment and a nurturing, collaborative work environment. The inclusive culture at Shift fosters genuine connections among team members, fostering an environment where everyone's contributions are valued and celebrated. This welcoming atmosphere, coupled with Shift's ambitious goals and potential for growth, made it an easy choice for me.


Shift Technology: Can you share insights into the inspiration behind initiating the Tech Connect events in our Paris office? How do you go about selecting industry leaders and topics for discussion at these events?

Romain Haimez: The inception of our Tech Connect events in the Paris office was a collaborative effort between myself and Emmanuel Dyan, one of our Group Engineering Managers. Our primary objective was to bolster our brand presence within Paris and beyond, particularly within the tech community.

The core idea behind these events was to create a platform exclusively for tech enthusiasts. It wasn't about client engagement or commercial agendas; it was purely about fostering connections and knowledge sharing within the tech community. Drawing from my experience of hosting similar events in Hong Kong, I was confident that such initiatives could be successful.

When it comes to selecting industry leaders and topics for discussion, our approach is straightforward. The topic must revolve around tech, covering areas such as data science, machine learning, infrastructure, or cybersecurity. We aim to address topics that are relevant and intriguing to our audience, rather than solely focusing on those that garner the most attention. The key is to maintain a balance and diversity in the topics covered, ensuring that each event offers something unique and valuable to attendees.

We remain open to collaboration opportunities with partners and industry experts. For instance, if a data supplier approaches us with an idea for a joint event, we evaluate its relevance and potential impact on our audience. This collaborative approach not only enriches our events but also facilitates a snowball effect, leading to increased interest and participation from the tech community.


Shift Technology: What have been some notable highlights or key takeaways from past Tech Connect events? What are your aspirations for the future of the Tech Connect events?

Romain Haimez: Reflecting on past Tech Connect events, we've witnessed several standout moments. Each gathering has provided attendees with a valuable platform to showcase their expertise and network within the tech community. It's been gratifying to see individuals who may not typically be in the spotlight have the opportunity to shine and share their insights.

The diversity of attendees, both in terms of seniority levels and external participants, has enriched discussions and fostered meaningful connections. Bringing together individuals from various backgrounds and experiences has created a vibrant atmosphere conducive to collaboration and knowledge exchange.

These events have facilitated the formation of valuable partnerships with other companies. Collaborating with entities like Microsoft and DataDome has not only enhanced our event offerings but also strengthened our relationships within the tech ecosystem.

Looking ahead, our aspirations for the future of the Tech Connect events remain grounded in simplicity and consistency. Maintaining regularity in hosting these events is paramount, ensuring that they become a staple in the tech community's calendar. Additionally, we aim to expand our partnership opportunities, leveraging the success of past collaborations to forge new alliances and further enrich the event experience.

One potential avenue for growth is the exploration of webinar series alongside in-person events. While in-person gatherings offer valuable face-to-face interactions, webinars could provide a broader reach and accommodate the evolving needs of our audience. Incorporating internal team discussions during lunchtime sessions could also enhance the event experience, fostering internal cohesion and knowledge-sharing within Shift.

In essence, our vision for the future of Tech Connect events is grounded in authenticity, consistency, and innovation, ensuring that they continue to serve as a cornerstone of collaboration and learning within the tech community.


Shift Technology: What does Decisions Made Better mean to you?

Romain Haimez: Decisions Made Better encapsulates several core principles that are fundamental to my approach. It underscores the importance of being attentive to details and upholding rigor throughout the decision-making process. This meticulousness ensures that decisions are well-informed and carefully considered.

Another crucial aspect is the genuine care extended towards understanding others' perspectives. Rather than feigning interest, truly caring about what people communicate fosters trust and promotes open communication channels, which are essential for effective decision-making.

Decisions Made Better entails actively listening to a diverse range of viewpoints, from experts in their fields to individuals with varying levels of knowledge. Asking questions, even those that may initially seem uncomfortable, allows for a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand.

Bringing people together early in the decision-making process is also imperative. While this may sometimes necessitate delaying decisions, involving a variety of stakeholders ensures that potential obstacles are identified and addressed from multiple angles. Additionally, collaborative decision-making fosters a sense of commitment and value among participants.

Ultimately, Decisions Made Better extends beyond simply finding the most efficient outcome. It involves being strategic and prioritising solutions that ensure all parties involved feel heard and valued. Whether in professional or personal contexts, this approach leads to outcomes where everyone feels satisfied and respected.