
Claims Club Briefing 2024 - Fraud

Written by Shift Technology | 19-Jul-2024 13:17:21

In the ever-evolving landscape of insurance, staying ahead of emerging trends and challenges is crucial. On September 18, 2024 Shift Technology is sponsoring the Claims Club Briefing to shed light on the intricacies of fraud. This event serves as a platform to share insights, engage in meaningful discussions, and collaborate with industry experts to address the growing concern of fraudulent activities in the insurance sector.

Our very own Marc Yeates will be joined by Swarnava Ghosh, EXL, and Andy Nixon, esure, in a panel session on "Catching the fraudsters of the future" in which they will explore how fraudsters are trying to stay ahead of the insurance sector by using new technologies and methods to continue to reap illicit gains from the sector. As a response, we will look at what the industry is doing to combat these newer crimes and what data & tools might be available now or shortly to help insurers beat the fraudsters of the future.  

Join George and Marc at the event to learn more about our AI-powered insurance solutions and how they can help you better fight fraud.