Case Studies

Assurant's Focus on Innovation Increases Stopped Fraud

Written by Shift Technology | 20-Dec-2022 20:10:00

Assurant and Shift Technology have been working together to detect claims fraud since 2018. Assurant, a Fortune 500 company with a storied history dating back to the 1890s, had a smart vision for the future. Their leadership knew that technologies such as AI-powered fraud detection would become invaluable to insurance, and so it began evaluating methods to become an innovator in the industry.

After working together for 4 years, Shift’s powerful fraud detection AI has become integral to the Assurant SIU team. As an SIU leader at Assurant notes, “Shift does in a matter of minutes what would take days for a team of analysts to complete, and Shift does it with incredible accuracy.”

Read more on how Assurant is using Claims Fraud Detection to innovate their SIU approach.